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Prashast Singh

Prashast Singh

So, you clicked the button, so here we are!

Since you already know my name, still I'll waste your time, my name is Prashast Singh.

If I talk about my background, I am from an India, Uttar Pradesh and later began studying the prestigious D.A.V. Public School. Since I was a young child, I have always enjoyed the study of science. However, by the time I was in the seventh grade, I had grown interested in space and planet-related matters and had decided I wanted to become a Scientist or a Doctor. Yes, I am aware that this is ridiculous, but it was because our science textbook mainly focused on biology, leaving me ignorant of subjects like physics and its branches. I encountered actual physics in the 10th grade, and to be honest I found it quite difficult, still mesmerizing.


I didn't knew that there were scientific fields that combined Physics and Mathematics.
I forgot about biology and doctors the moment I saw the Physics of high school; instead, physics and math became my new loves.
I chose to participate in the most challenging race and opted the non-medical scientific stream with computer science.


After some months, I'm not sure why, probably because of our weird Education System, my interest in learning about the universe and pursuing a career in astrophysics faded, so did my curiosity. Someone advised me to read some books to come up.


So, I went to a neighboring library during the middle weeks of high school and read a book "Work with Passion" by Nancy Anderson. That book somehow helped me, and now I'm developing this website alongside reading books and studying about Space and Astrophysics.


If you've read through my writing, you must have realised that I have used relatively simple key phrases. Well, this is due to the fact that discussing astrophysics is already complex and employing complex terms will just make it even more complicated. Yes, this is a great technique to mask my poor English abilities.


Actually, I made this test website to test the functionality of my genuine website, which I am currently constructing using Html and stuff.
I write actual script there, copy it, and then paste it here using various formats and templates to check whether it functions or not.


So, how was it? If you liked it, please subscribe, as well as provide feedback about my website.

If you arrived here directly, you can click the button below to view my blogs that I have posted.


I am not much of a Social Media person, but you can connect through some given quick links.

And I apologise for the awkwardness of this photo; on the other hand, I am an introverted person, and this was the only one I could find.

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