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Discovered Questions

Updated: May 16, 2024

Hello once again, here, I am providing the biggest mysteries, questions, doubts ever raised. These are not on the topic you have learnt in your school. So, I think you'll enjoy it.

These are some discovered, straight forward questions. The questions, which I was not able to compile in the previous posts, will be answered here.

What is a Black Hole?

The most famous topic, everyone loves to talk off. A black Hole is a cosmic body of extremely intense gravity from which nothing, not even light can escape.

Firstly, how black Hole forms? According to an American Scientist John Wheeler (Father of Black Hole), in the year 1950-60, he emphasized that many stars would eventually collapse, and this will result in the formation of Black Hole. Earlier, Black Hole was named as Frozen Star, but in 1957, Jhon Wheeler named it Black Hole.

Now, what is the structure? Black Hole appears to have a light disk surrounding its very dark event horizon. The light disk creation is due to the space-time curvature near the black hole causing light to have a bent route in which light circles around the black hole. Black Hole has infinite mass, unbelievable? it's true and due to this infinite mass, it has infinite gravitational pull. It is pitch Black in colour as no light reflects in it. The main base of the Black Hole is its event horizon, everything stays there as a 2-D print more like an image. I can't tell you what's inside the Black Hole, infact, no one can tell you, because no one knows, it's still a mystery.

The biggest Black Hole ever known is the Phoenix Cluster.

A Black Hole looks like this,

The yellow light around the Black Hole is the event horizon. The entered light stays there.

By chance, if you are thinking that Black Hole is small, then see this:

That yellow, table tennis Ball is Sun.

It takes only 20 billion suns, to fit, just a centre of a Black Hole. Yep, it is small, isn't it?

You will be amazed to know, that there is not only one type of Black Hole. There are 6 of them known till now,

Supermassive Black Hole, Schwarzschild Metric, BTZ Black Hole, Binary Blac Hole, V404 Cygni, Phoenix Cluster.

I am sorry, but we can only explain only one of them, because rest have literally unknown properties, we are studying it, stay tuned!!!

What is a Schwarzschild Black Hole?

A Schwarzschild Black Hole or Static Black Hole is a Black Hole that has neither electric charge nor angular momentum. A Schwarzschild Black Hole is described by the Schwarzschild Metric and cannot be distinguished from any other Schwarzschild Black Hole except by its mass. The Schwarzschild Black Hole is characterized by a surrounding spherical boundary, called the event horizon, which is situated at the Schwarzschild radius, often called the radius of a Black Hole.

The boundary is not a physical surface, but it is a mathematical surface.

Non-rotating, non-charged mass that is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius creates a Black Hole. According to the theory of relativity, a Schwarzschild Black Hole of any mass could theoretically exist if the right circumstances were present for formation. This is because the Einstein Field equations can be solved for any mass 'M'.

The gravitational radius, also known as the Schwarzschild Radius, is a physical variable in the Schwarzschild Solution to Einstein's field equation that relates to the event horizon radius of a Schwarzschild Black Hole.

What is a Worm Hole?

Many people misunderstand Worm Hole, same as Black Hole. Yeah, somehow, they look alike but they are not same. A Worm Hole is a sort of tunnel that joins distant points in space, or even two Universes, via space-time curvature. Worm Hole is one of the most interesting objects predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity. Worm Hole isn't just a shortcut between two points in space, they could also allow for time travel, inter-universal and interdimensional travel. Worm Hole do not violate any laws, but they require negative matter for stability, but we haven't found any negative matter yet, that is what questioned the existence of Worm Hole.

Again, I am sorry, that we don't have enough information about the Worm Holes, and you will be disappointed to know that Worm Holes are just theories, no practical examples.

This is the physical working of a Worm Hole, connecting two universes.

This is how a Worm Hole would work:

What are the biggest mysteries of this Universe?

"This", Universe, Nice. Our Universe is full of mysteries, everything which goes around is a mystery on its own, but what are the biggest ones?

Why there is a monster Black Hole in the Heart of every Galaxy? There are about 2 trillion galaxies in our Universe and, as far as we know, almost everyone contains a central Supermassive Black Hole.

What is Dark Matter? This thing makes up 23% of the total mass-energy density of the universe. Dark matter gives out no light or too little light for us to detect.

Does Time Exist? A weird one, or a strange one, isn't it? The flow of time is an illusion created by our brains to organise the information constantly flooding in through our senses.

What is Dark Energy? It's invisible, fills all of space and its repulsive gravity is speeding up the expansion of the Universe. What is Alien? The Universe is incredibly old, incredibly large and teeming with potentially habitable planets. So why haven't we found any signs of aliens.

What was before the Big Bang? As I already said earlier, there is nothing before Big-Bang, but The Universe has not existed forever. It was born, around 13.83 billion years ago, matter-energy, space-time erupted into begin in a fireball called the Big-Bang.

How many types of Nebulae are there?

Well, there are 5 of them.

1.Dark Nebulae, it contains carbon, silicon, and a variety of other elements, appear dark because they are so dense that they block the light of the stars in the background. They cannot be seen with normal telescope instead; they can only be seen as dark shapes in the infrared spectrum.

2.Emission Nebula, by contrast, Emission Nebula are huge, fluorescent clouds of gas that have become ionized and glow various colours. The light emitted by the stars embedded within them, or sometimes behind them, charges the gas of Nebula and causes this spectacular glowing effect.

3.Reflection Nebula, unlike Emission Nebula, Reflection Nebula only reflect the spectrum light of nearby stars and other nebulae. These nebulae always appear blue, like the sky, and for almost the same reason. The dust in these clouds only scatter light in the spectrum wavelengths at the blue end of the spectrum.

4.Planetary Nebula, this Nebula is a kind of Emission Nebula, meaning it consists of ionized gases that emit light, rather than absorb it. Planetary Nebula appears greenish and are round (like a planet) through a telescope and are formed when certain stars evolve pasts the Red Giant phase of the life cycle.

5.Supernova Nebula, it occurs when a supernova, one of the most powerful phenomena in the universe, sends out matter for hundreds of lightyears in every direction. Another example of a Supernova Remnant is the incredibly beautiful Crab Nebula in the Taurus Constellation.

  1. Dark Nebula, 2. Emission Nebula, 3. Reflection Nebula, 4. Planetary Nebula, 5. Crab Nebula

The image of Dark Nebula you are watching is, highly enhanced image.

So, which one is your favourite?

What are the limits of Universe?

In the section of weird questions, this one is most weird, but extremely interesting.

Minimum possible temperature is 0 kelvin, near the Black Holes.

Maximum possible temperature is 1.42×10.........32 times.

Smallest time period is 5.39×0.000000...........44 times, very slow!!

Smallest possible length is 1.62×0.00000............35 times.

Maximum speed is 29,97,92,458 metres per second, which is light speed, but yes, there are some particles who travels faster than light unfortunately, there speed is still unknown.

Why do Astronauts float in space?

If I ask this question to you, you will be like .... gravity? Well, your answer is correct but incomplete.

It's not due to Zero Gravity. Actually, Astronauts are just 408 km (253 miles) above the Earth's surface, where gravity is still 90% strong. So, how do they float? Astronauts float around space because they are continuously falling towards the Earth, infact, satellites and other spacecrafts are also falling towards the Earth, but they don't hit the Earth's surface. This is because spacecrafts move at the right speed, so the curve of its fall matches with the curve of Earth. In other words, there are two forces acting on the floating body, the gravity and the normal speed force, which are almost equal, so they cancel out each other. That's why, they float.

How many states of matter are there?

Three, Solid Liquid and Gas. This is what you have learnt, isn't it? Sorry readers, I am not blaming your mentors, but our education system is little bit old, so it'll take time to teach new topics.

1.Solid: State of matter holding definite shape and has strong intermolecular force.

2.Liquid: State matter that holds no definite shape and has weak intermolecular force.

3.Gas: Same as liquid but with very weak intermolecular forces.

4.Plasma: A state of matter which is highly conductive and is dominated by electric and magnetic field.

5.Supercritical Fluid: A state of matter where the distinctions between liquid and gas states are lost.

6.Excitonium: A state of matter made up of EXCITONS- unusual particles made up of escaped electrons.

7.Degenerate Matter: A state of matter that holds a highly dense state of fermionic matter, and particles with kinetic energy.

8.Photonic Matter: A state of matter where photons behave as if they have mass and forms molecules.

9.String-Net Liquid: A state of matter where an atom has arrangement like liquid and pattern like solids.

10.Dropleton: A state of matter where an artificial quality particle behaves like a liquid.

11.Jahn-Teller Metal: A state of matter where a solid acts like an insulator but also acts like a conductor.

12.Time Crystals: A state of matter where the crystalline structure repeats itself in both space and time, interesting!!!

13.Quantum-Spin Hall: A state of matter where electron dissipate less energy and produces less heat.

14.Bose-Einstein Condensate: A state of matter which is formed when a gas of bosons is cooled close to -273.15°C

15.Fermionic Matter: A state of matter which is same as Bose-Einstein Condensate but here, fermions act like bosons.

16.Super-conductivity: A state of matter where materials exhibit zero resistance, close to absolute zero.

17.Superfluid: A state of matter where fluids can move against gravity and lows frictionless.

18.Supersolid: A state of matter where solids can move without friction but retains a rigid shape.

19.Rydberg Polaron: A state of matter which only exists at ultra-cool temperature and contains atoms inside atoms.

20.Quark-Gluon Plasma: A state of matter that occurs at a very high temperature where a quark starts moving freely.

There were 2 more, but I skipped them, it was going too long. So, how many of them you had heard before?

What is the diameter of Universe?

The diameter of the Observable Universe is approximately 93.016 billion light years. This is approximately 50,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 miles (500 sextillion miles). And it is still expanding.

You will be shocked to know that human has only ventured farther than 1.3 lightseconds from Earth.

What is the colour of Sun?

Are you going to say Yellow? It's a common misconception that the Sun is yellow, the sun appears yellow because the light with short wavelength like violet and blue, get scattered by Earth's atmosphere. Since, the light of longer wavelength like red, yellow, orange don't get scattered, we see the sun and it's surrounding as yellow, Scientists have processed the image to make it appear orange, but the Sun is WHITE in colour.

What is Gravity?

It is not just a force, but the curvature of space-time produced by objects having mass. It was first fundamental force to separate after the Big Bang and is incompatible with other three fundamental forces. It can bend light and slow down time; it can travel across dimensions (according to String Theory). It travels very fast, to be exact it is about the speed of light. The most terrifying thing is that it can manipulate time. Not in that way, but yes, the faster you travel within gravity, slower the time you'll experience. Gravity is really interesting. Gravity was found, or you can say, was stated by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.

What is Singularity?

Singularity is a place where gravity is so intense that space-time itself breaks down catastrophically. It's like a single point with no dimensions, Singularity is infinitely small point with infinite gravity and density, Singularity is predicted in Einstein's theory of relativity, but here's the thing, Infinite never exists in the real world. In the real universes, no Black Holes contain Singularities. In general, Singularities are the nonphysical mathematical result of a flawed physics theory. When scientist talk about Black Hole singularities, they are talking about the errors that appear in our current theories and not about objects that actually exist. So, Singularities are just a way to describe that we need a better theory to explain Black Holes, which means that, we actually don't know what's inside a Black Hole, it can be a Worm Hole or there could be a whole universe inside a Black Hole, who knows!!

What is Quantum Physics?

In simple words, Quantum Physics is the study of tiny particles and energy at the most fundamental level. Quantum Physics aims to reveal the properties and behaviour of the very building blocks of nature. In fact, Quantum Physics closes gaps in our knowledge of physics to give us a more complete picture of everyday lives.

But Quantum Physics is crazy in the classical world, if you have a particle and you know its position and its velocity, you can predict where it's going to be in the next second or minute or hour. But, in Quantum Mechanics, the really weird thing is, we say that a particle doesn't even have a position until you measure its position. Surprisingly, Quantum Physics is the most successful theory we have ever formulated.

But yes, it is very interesting,

  1. Quantum Teleportation says that very tiny things states can be teleported.

  2. Quantum Entanglement says that very tiny things can communicate faster than speed of light.

  3. Quantum Tunnelling says that very small things can cross barriers without having required energy.

  4. Superposition Principle says that very small things can be in multiple places at once.

  5. Virtual Particle says that very small things can pop in and out of existence randomly

"I Quantum Physics hasn't profoundly shocked you; you haven't understood it yet." -Sir Neils Bohr

What is String Theory?

String Theory proposes Black Hole as objects whose entire event horizon is packed with strings (fuzzballs). In String Theory, tiny vibrating closed strings generate a particle named 'GRAVITON' which meditates the force of gravity. It Explains why Gravity is weak because it travels across dimensions. It also supports the idea of parallel Universes, but unfortunately, it is very difficult to test because of the size of the strings. It says that Universe has 10 dimensions which are, 9 Space + 1 Time.

Sorry, but we only have this much information.

What is Quantum Entanglement?

This is the most interesting topic in the Quantum Physics. Entanglement is easily one of the most bizarre parts of the Quantum Physics, when two particles come into contact with each other they create an entangled relationship, now imagine you keep one particle. Let's name the TOM, then you send the other particle, will call it JERRY- a Scientist living thousands of miles away, you would imagine that the particles would now have no relationship because they are so far apart, but here you're wrong man, If you change the direction that TOM is spinning in, JERRY, thousands of miles away will start spinning in the exact opposite direction instantaneously, it's not fully understood, how this is possible, but we now know for a fact that this spooky behaviour is real because in July of 2019, Scientists finally photographed entangled particles for the first time.

  1. Real image of Quantum Entangled particles.

What is Quantum Superposition in a nutshell?

Again, a topic of Quantum Physics. In order to understand any concept of Quantum Theory, you have to begin by abandoning all your previously conceived ideas of things being "logical".

In Quantum Relam things teleport at various places at once, send message at apparently faster than speed of light, cats are both dead and alive simultaneously and there may be infinite versions of yourself (yes, your crush looks like you back in at least once xD), according to Quantum Superposition particles are in all possible states at once. For instance, electrons can have either up or down spins. According to this concept, until measured the electrons will simultaneously both spins.

The act of measurement forces the electron to take a definite state (in this case either up or down spin). In Quantum Physics most concepts are applied until observed. As if somehow the most fundamental reality of our cosmos wished to remain unnoticed.

Yes, Quantum Physics is MIND-CRAMPING!!!

Why haven't we met Aliens yet?

The most awaited question, the most famous and interesting topic. Aliens, first of all what or who are they?

Aliens are just foreigners, who do not belong to our planet. They can be anything, a microorganism, 2 leg walking organisms, flying birds, anything. The problem is that whenever we say alien, we imagine this...

a humanoid figure, with 2 arms and legs, well they definitely, not look like this, movies and science fiction has created such image in our minds.

Well, coming back to the topic. Why haven't we met Aliens? There are certain theories which are quite......understandable.

1.The Rare Earth Theory, it says that we are the only intelligent life in the Universe.

2.The Great Filler Theory, it says that other intelligent Aliens died in mass extinction events, we might be the next

3.The Great Silence Theory, it says that other Aliens are too intelligent, and we are simply not worth their time.

4.The Early Bird Theory, it says that life first began on Earth, we are the most advanced beings.

5.Theory of different life, it says that they are not carbon-based organisms. Yep, we are set of carbon compounds. This is the reason why they don't have arms, or they can have it, we are not sure.

6.The living life theory, this is my most favourite theory, it says that we are the Aliens, the animals and birds living on this planet were the real natural organisms of this planet, we are foreigners.

Do you know, what is the crazy thing about all these theories? It's that you can't deny any of them and or the other hand you can't even accept this. I know very people will find this statement awkward or weird, but this was my opinion, it may sound weird, but I keep thinking about these things, I have a different way of thinking about space.

What if, this whole Universe is a science project, lying on a bookshelf of an Alien Kid?

Think about it.

Where did the moon come from?

4.5 billion years ago, the Earth did not have our beloved moon, it was always assaulted by rocks and comets. The collision between the proto-Earth and another small planet, about the size of Mars, occurred, the moon was an ejecta of this collision. Moon, as we have read in my previous blogs, is a natural satellite, as a result of collision the moon got trapped in the radius of the Earth's gravitational field.

Do we need it? Well, the gravitational pull of the moon moderates Earth's wobble, keeping the climate stable. That's beneficial for life. Without it, we could have enormous climate mood swings over billions of years, with different areas getting extraordinarily hot and then plugging into long ice ages.

Why do we Dream?

Well, this question has no connection with the Universe, but still, I'll keep this question because I will connect it with the Universe. What is dream? A movie, a projection, a subconscious story? Well, no one knows. Dreams are really mysterious; it is a part of subconscious mind, no one knows how it starts, how it ends, but there are some facts like, our brain can never create faces in dreams, we can't die in dreams and there are so many of them.

But here the question is Why do we dream? In a book "The Hidden Reality" wrote by Brian Greene; I found some theories related to this question.

  1. Dreams are the ways of revealing wishes and emotions you never realized you had. Un buying hidden emotions you never dealt with.

  2. Dreams are just side-effect of activated signals in the brain. When the brain tries to interpret these signals, we experience dreams.

  3. Dreams are just flashes of short-term memories that are stored on temporary spots, before tuning into long-term memory.

  4. Dreams are just ways to remind us of what we once forgot and helps us retain things that we had learned, long ago. Consolidating memory.

  5. Dreams are related to the evolution of our mind. It stimulates fear and threatening events to prepare us for real life situations.

  6. My most favourite, Dreams are the glimpse or sight-walking of our other-self's, living in some other parallel universe. Due to the Quantum Entanglement, two universe connects because of some factors like Space-Time and Gravity. So do our subconscious brain, that's why we see us falling, walking, flying and doing that, which is not possible in our real world.

So, what do you think of this?

You know that, we can't remember, that how did our dream started?

What are Blanets?

Well, Blanets are really interesting, as we all know that planets revolve around a star, in our case its Sun, similar is in the case of Blanets. But the strange thing about them is that they revolve around blackholes. Amazing isn't it, now you will ask me, we don't even know about Blackholes then how do we know about Blanets?

As Sun has its own gravitational field, so it makes other planets revolve around it, same is with the blanets, with the help of some strong telescopes, we have seen small particle like thing nearer to the Black Hole, so we named them as "Blanets". Again unfortunately, we don't have enough information on them. I don't even have a picture.

What does it mean when we say that Universe is expanding?

When scientist talk about the expanding universe, they mean that it has been growing ever since its beginning with the Big Bang. The galaxies outside of our own are moving away from us, and the ones that are farthest away are moving the fastest. This means that no matter what galaxy you happen to be in, all the other galaxies are moving away from you. However, the galaxies are not moving through space, they are moving in space, because space is also moving. In other words, the universe has no centre; everything is moving away from everything else.

Ya, I know that this is confusing but more the thing is confusing the more it is interesting.

But, what's the proof? Earlier, when astronomers observed the distant galaxies, they found that the colour of those galaxies were normal, but now those same galaxies are becoming redder and redder, as we know that red colour has the longest wavelength, which means the light coming from the galaxy is very far and the distance is growing. This states that our universe is expanding.

How does the Sun burns with no oxygen in space?

Again, this is a misconception. Sun never burns, like a fire or something. The Sun is comprised with Hydrogen and Helium gas, which is under immense pressure created by the gravity of the Sun's core. The temperature is extremely high, so high that it makes the gases undergo nuclear fusion (a process in which 2 atom of hydrogen combines to form helium atom). This process, again release huge amount of energy in form of heat, light and some electromagnetic waves which we can't even measure. The Sun consumes almost 5 BILLION kilograms of hydrogen as its fuel every second.

Yes, every second, Sun is really huge.

What is the String Theory? What are the Dimensions?

Well, it's quite interesting. String theory is the idea that everything in the universe, every particle of light and matter, is comprised of miniscule vibrating strings. These strings are truly tiny, many billions of times smaller than an individual proton within an atomic nucleus. And they vibrate at countless billions of times per second in ten dimensions of space, or maybe eleven. Or it might be twenty-six dimensions.

The 10 known dimensions of the Universe (according to String Theory) are firstly, length, width and height, we have easily perceived these dimensions.

The fourth is Time

If we could see through the 5th dimension, we would see a world slightly different to our world, it's hard to explain with words.

in 6th dimension, we would see a plane of all possible worlds that started with the same initial condition as ours, referring to the Big Bang.

In the 7th dimension, we could see all possible worlds with different initial conditions other than ours, where different laws of physics apply.

In the 8th dimension, you would see a plane of different possible worlds each starting with different initial conditions and each branching out infinitely.

In the 9th dimension, you would get access to all possible Universe histories that started with different initial conditions similar or non-similar to us.

And finally in the 10th dimension, here, you are a GOD like being, you have the power of reality stone.

everything which is imaginable is possible.

Again, concluding with the same thing, these are theories, there is always two sides, 50-50 chances, if they are true or not.

So, whose side you are on?

What is Parallel Universe?

According to the professional definers: A Universe theorized as existing alongside our own, although undetectable.

Well, at the time of Big Bang, there is no way that only our universe was created, there might be our other selves out there, somewhere. So, here I am gonna tell you about some theories on parallel universes.

  1. Anthropic principle, Our Universe appears to be fine-tuned for conscious life to evolve, and there could be other universes tuned in some different ways.

  2. Bubble Universe, according to this theory, our universe is a bubble, sitting in a network of other universes, where the laws of physics are different.

  3. Black Hole Cosmology, according to this cosmological model, our observable Universe is inside a Black Hole, which is situated in a larger universe.

  4. Deja Vu Theory, ever happened, that you feel like, I have already done this thing but never actually had done it. According to this theory, Deja Vu may occur when our Universe synced with a Universe where we made the exact same action. Woah! I am getting goosebumps while typing this!!

  5. Lack Of Technology, with current tech, we are limited to observations within this single Universe. It's like we're inside a fishbowl, unable to see outside.

The 3rd and 4th one were really mind blowing, what do you think?

What is a Black Widow Star?

A fictional character of a franchise, Marvel Studious, with no super-powers. Sorry!!

Black Widow is a special name of a biggest Neutron Star.

A Neutron Star is created when giant stars die in supernovas and their cores collapse, with the protons and electrons essentially fusing into each other to form a neutron. There is a very rare chance for a star to form Neutron Star, in fact it is one in thousand. Recently, astronomers have discovered one such Neutron Star called 'Black Widow' which has a mass 2.35 times the size of our sun. Researchers said that the star is spinning wildly, 707 times per second. One of them is residing in our own galaxy, Milky Way, around 20,000 light years away in the direction of Sextans Constellation.

Enhanced image of a Neutron Star.

Name some amazing/strange planet?

Ya, here I am not going to say Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn......

Let's talk about some really strange planets, other than that of our Solar System.

  1. Kepler-10b, this planet is really amazing, completely filled with hot lava, it even rains lava.

  2. J1047b, it has ring system just like Saturn, only difference is that it has 200 times larger rings than Saturn's.

  3. Gliese 436b, this planet is eating, or you can say destroying itself, really depressed!! It is continuously evaporating itself.

  4. 55 Cancri e, this planet is completely made up of Diamonds.

  5. TrES-2b, my favourite, It is a pitch/jet black planet, absorbs almost 99% of indecent light.

  6. Kepler 22b, complete enemy of Kepler 10b, fully covered with oceans/ water bodies.

  7. Methuselah, it is the oldest known planet, just like its name, 12 billion years old, created nearly at the time of Big Bang.

  8. HD 189733b, the deadliest planet ever discovered, too close to host star, it rains molten glass with speed of 5400 mph, 7 times the speed of sound, extremely deadly weather, completes a year in just 2 earth day, but you know what's mind-blasting, it can still evolve life.

  9. Flat Earth, created by the dumbest people on Planet Earth, you can't believe there are still some people out there, thinking that Earth is FLAT.

Same order as mentioned above. You might have noticed that some of the images doesn't look real, this is because we don't have accurate images of these planets, these photos are created after studying the specific properties of that planet.

What is the mystery behind time?

Time is not absolute, according to the theory of relativity, the faster you move through space the slower you move through time. Time is really mysterious thing, it slows at high speed, stops at light speed, becomes space in Black Hole and move backwards beyond the light speed. As light travels at a finite speed (299792458 m/s), we are always seeing the past. This means that we can see the past but not travel to it also we can't see the future but can travel to it, understood? Time and Space are like two sides of a same coin, both are individually relative but together they form absolute fabric, which we call Space-Time. No one knows why time flows in one direction, which is future, and therefore towards a higher entropy state as well as towards a larger Universe and not the other way around, time is also a dimension of space.

One scientist also said that time is nothing, it never existed, it is just a scheme of clock manufacturers, to sell more clocks. LMAO!!

What is Hawking Radiation?

One of my favourite scientists, Sir Stephen Hawking. Earlier it was believed that Black Hole don't emit any kind of radiation because you know black holes have exceedingly large gravity which don't give a chance for any radiation to escape, but in 1974 a scientist named Sir Stephen Hawking gave the concept of Black Hole radiation, today known as Hawking Radiation. It states that Black Hole does emit radiation, but here a question raised, how can this be possible?

Actually, he combined the concept of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity to explain this. According to Quantum Field Theory, particles can just emerge out of nowhere. Wait what??

Yes, they can emerge out of nowhere. There are quantum fields spread out in all universes, these are just randomly vibrating. Sometimes this produces enough energy to form particles out of seemingly nothing.

And these particles are constantly forming everywhere in the Universe. When this happens two particles emerges, one matter and one antimatter. As we know, when antimatter and matter combine, they release energy, so these two particles just form and instantly disappears into nothing, releasing some energy. All this thing is just negligible but if these particles pop out at the edge of event horizon, then it's like antimatter particle falls into the Black Hole and matter one just go away, and that going matter is considered as Black Hole's Radiation.

If you think deeply, you can see that we have never seen a Black Hole, but still, we know its properties, appearance and life cycle. This is the power of Astrophysics!!

Is Light pure energy?

Light is not pure energy. While it is true that light has no mass, this fact does not imply that light is pure energy, Light is composed of fundamental quantum objects called photons which we list alongside other fundamental quantum objects such as electrons and neutrinos. Each object on this list contains several different properties which determine how the object behaves.

Mass and kinetic energy are only two of several properties that a fundamental quantum object can carry.

Saying, that light is a "pure energy" would imply that light only carries the property of energy and no other properties, which is simply not true.

Time Travel, is it possible? How? What are the conditions?

Bro has taken a perfect advantage of one question at a time.

First of all, before moving forward, I want to make one thing clear that time travel to past is practically impossible but travelling to future is possible.

The effect of Time Dilation is the essence of our discussion. An object at high speed will experience light to be slower that the one at rest. As a consequence, consider a twin where one of them is travelling in a rocket, with enough speed of the rocket, the person on the rocket will experience time slower, this is aka Twin Paradox.

This is the effect of Time Dilation (time seen by the object in motion in proportion to time observed by the object at rest) as a function of speed per light speed 'c'. The graph shows us that as an object approaches the speed of light, time dilation is much stronger.

The overall result is that at high enough speed, since light moves slower, he/she is considered to be travelling to the future relative to people at rest who age faster. This was used in the famous scene interstellar. You can also see that this only works in travelling to the future. The past is gone, I hope this was clear. Time Dilation is a very powerful concept which was proven by experiments as a particle accelerator in Germany where it was seen that time moves slower for a moving clock than for a stationary one.

Now, grab a coffee, go in your gallery, and relax your mind, you need it after reading this.

What is the hottest temperature ever recorded?

Well normally the highest temperature we experience in our surroundings is approximately 2000° C, which is the temperature of flame. Outside the Earth the hottest temperature we think is sun, i.e., almost 5500° C, and its core is 15-million-degree Celsius, sounds hot isn't. This is nothing in front of a supernova, it has the temperature of almost 3-billion-degree Celsius. But we humans have recorded even hotter temperature than supernova on Earth. In Switzerland, there was an experiment being conducted, named The Large Hadron Collider, which marked the world's highest temperature ever recorded i.e., 5.5 trillion degrees Celsius.

Amazing isn't it, like how can just 2 particles can produce more temperature than a god Supernova.

Is Big Bang theory, correct?

The Big Bang Theory basically states that the universe is expanding. But since people are still people, many of them continue to reject the big bang concept.

My response is still yes, the Big Bang Theory is true, but how?

There are many points which proves that Big Bang really happened, for example, presence of elements like Hydrogen and Lithium, Cosmic Microwaves etc.

But, most easily understandable concept is,

The colour of the galaxies has been changing over the past several years, and astronomers have noticed that they are becoming redder. Since red light has the highest wavelength, this means that the light rays are travelling a greater and greater distance, which indicates that they are moving farther and farther.

Now comes the mind-blowing thing,

Recently James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), examined 6 new mature galaxies, but the light coming from them is 13 billion years old. Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago. So, how those galaxies became old?

This changed our concept of origin of Universe, these galaxies were there even before the Big Bang.


This was what we thought in July 2023, but now after some more research and observation we came to conclusion that those 6 galaxies are not older than Big Bang itself. These galaxies formed just after the Big Bang, so they are not older than 13.8 billion years old.

Can we see The Big Bang happening?

Observing Big Bang happening is next to impossible. Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago, and attaining a speed by which we can travel to the distance more than 13.8 billion light years is also impossible. But let's suppose we somehow managed to attain the speed of light and travel the distance of 13.8 billion light years in space and we turned back, we still will not see Big Bang because by that time, Big Bang would have happened 27.6 billion years ago. What is more confusing that, according to the Sir Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, any object having a mass can never attain the speed of light, fonly one particle, "photon" is able to do that and obviously it is massless, and at the speed of light, time slows down and eventually stops.

So, there are many constrictions in physics which doesn't allow us to observe The Big Bang happening.

But we can somehow observe its reflection, by studying Primordial Gravitational Waves, in easy words, Gravitational Waves which are abnormal compared to the waves we have now, abnormal in the sense of these waves generated at the time of Big Bang.

And by studying CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), radiation originated from the Early Universe, from the Big Bang, which are still lurking around.

Can a water bubble emit light?

What an interesting topic to talk about, the process of a simple water bubble emitting a spark of light is called Sonoluminescence. When a sole water bubble is place inside a high frequency sound wave (range around 22 kilohertz), it emits light for about minute nanoseconds. It was first discovered by H. Frenzel and H. Schultes in the late 20th century, but the answer was unknown.

When the soundwaves enter the water bubble, a region of high and low pressure is formed, and this sudden contraction and expansion of water bubble leads to the formation of a cavity. The cavity here is not empty, it is observed that it contains air inside it, the rapid contraction of the bubble due to the high pressure and sudden oscillation of the air inside the bubble greatly increases the temperature and the pressure.

And this is where the main game kicks in, at the moments of the final contraction of the bubble the temperature inside, reaches around thousands of kelvins, which makes the air inside ionize and a spark of light is emitted.

When it was first observed, it really made the scientists scratch their head, but finally the research is theorized as the name “Sonoluminescence”. This whole process is a straightforward example of the fourth state of matter, the plasma formation. The mechanism of this process is still under research among the researchers, but it is one of the unique discoveries made.

Many of you may think, what is the point of this discovery? Will it ever help in the Modern Science applications?

Well yeah, this discovery sounds quite useless, but it has some major applications. The mechanism behind this discovery is used in Nuclear Fusions Reactors, also used in wastewater management and pharmaceutical manufacturing. The most important it helps in the obtaining of high-resolution Ultrasound Images in medical science.

So, it may not have some big applications, but it is not useless.

Now, a question for you guys, if our Universe is expanding, it is expanding into what?

Think about it.

To be continued, stay tuned and subscribe for notifications.

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