After so long, here's a new post. My personal space theories which I would like to share it with you all.
As you must have seen some interesting and fun conspiracy theories, here are some of mine, feel free to give arguments, because I know, it's not perfect and I would like to improve.
How did the life originate on this planet?
This question has always been a pain in.... for scientists. How did the life originate? and the most acceptable theory is that life originate from oceans and further evolution. Sometimes believer comes and say that God created the world. Who to believe? Well, that's up to you.
Suppose there's a planet, which have humankind life on it, but that planet is on the brink of death. The humans there have superhuman powers and abilities because of the evolution and genetic mutation. One day they make a plan and take some basic artificial eggs and organisms from their planet and started travelling in space, in search of a habitable planet. Through a wormhole they luckily find a planet in a solar system. They went inside it and were pretty surprised to see the condition of that planet. They planted those basic artificial eggs and organisms and left them to survive and evolve. This process continued for many years and sometimes those advanced life forms came and helped in the evolution. When this basic life form was smart enough to read, learn and speak, these basic life forms named their planet Earth, themselves as Humans, and those advanced life forms as Gods.
So, this is my fun theory of life origination. A question which I believe will raise are, why don't we have superhuman abilities? I think it's because of the environmental condition of this planet and also, they planted the basic life forms because they were not sure if advanced life would grow somewhere else.
You can also raise an argument against it in the chat option, bottom right corner. I would be happy to friendly argue.
Time Travelling Theory
Again, this is a great question. Does time travel possible? I believe "no".
Time travel isn't possible and here's why. According to Sir Einstein's Theory of Relativity, time is not absolute, but people often get a misconception that "not absolute" means that time can be back and forth, but "not absolute" means that speed of time can vary. If you move with the speed of light within the gravity, then for you time will have no meaning, in simple words, time will stop for you.
If you move with the speed of light within the gravity an eventually find a Black Hole and rest there for 10 to 20 minutes, then for you the time spent will only be 10 to 20 minutes, but for us back in Earth, it would have become hundreds and thousands of years. So, practically you've time travelled into the future.
But sadly, you can't go back in time, because time is unidirectional, it moves only in one direction and that is forward., but we can see the past, let's suppose the time when Earth had Dinosaurs, the light released from Earth at that time is still proceeding in the universe, and if somehow we could travel faster than light, then we would be able to observe that light, so again practically we are observing past.
but we can't go inside.
Also, if somehow, we created a machine to stop time, then we would never be able to see anything, because whenever there's a bulb which emit light (photons) it goes in our eyes and then we are able to see it. If time was stopped, those photons will never reach to our eyes, so we would never be able to see anything.
Once, Sir Stephen Hawking, threw a party for Time Traveller and no one from the current world was invited except the he himself. It was on June 28, 2009, and obviously nobody showed up, so this kind of also decline the theory of time travelling.
What do you guys think?
What exactly happens after death?
This question also has haunted scientist to death. Here, many religions have different believes, for Hindus, they believe in rebirth, some believe that it happens just after the death, and some believe that it takes some time to decide for Gods to what to do with the dead. Muslims, Islam also believes in the concept of afterlife and stuff. Christians believes that soul lives after the death of the body, with the eternal god.
So different groups of people have different believes, and if you pay attention, it's all "believing", its faith. Faith is something that you believe on, without knowing if it's true or not.
But what Science and I say, when we die, we are buried in the Earth, in the soil and after some months we are food of saprotrophs, and we are decomposed in the soil, and our minerals and other vital nutrients are mixed in the soil and further, the plants nearby absorb those nutrients for themselves, practically we become plants and this isn't resurrection. Science doesn't actually have the concept of "souls".
Here, I didn't use the term "believe", because it's a fact not faith, and Science have proofs.
Are Dreams and Space connected?
Dreams and space are two things that constantly grab my interest. Sometimes I read some theories which says that Dreams and Space are connected. I don't think if it is true, because dreams are just stories and images our sub-conscious brain creates during our sleep. It has no connection with the Universe, but sometimes we occasionally witness strange dreams and a weird phenomenon, Deja vu.
Sir Stephen Hawking once said that there are finite number of parallel Universes, and people connect it with dreams.
People say, Dreams and Deja vu are visual interpretation of our other selves in the parallel Universe, that's why we some time experience that we have already been through this situation (Deja vu).
But the question is how do these two universes connect? and the only possible answer we can think of is,
The String Theory.
All Dreams have a meaning, and different type of people experience different dreams, like fantasy dreams, falling, running, nightmares, peaceful, past memories, weird and the worst, lucid dreams.
Now, for example, I have different dreams every time, but the gist of the dream is the same, I always keep on running, searching for something, but whenever I get close to the thing, I wake up. These kinds of dreams are called "Longing Dreams", a sense of longing for something, it gives a sense of depression.
What kind of dreams, you see?
Has future already happened?
A weird question, isn't it? As you know, our understanding of Universe is based on two factors, Space and Time.
Bring your hands in front, both the palms facing each other, now let your left hand be Space and right hand be Time, as we know that time is already there in the Universe, and we are in the space moving forward in time! So, it might be possible that Future is already there very far away, and we are just going into it, every second.
Isn't this interesting? Well, it's just a theory we are not much sure.
According to the Theory of Relativity, a photon travelling with the speed of light doesn't experience time.
So, if that photon looks back it will see everything which has happened in future, for example, we are living on Mars, Earth Destroyed, Blackhole eating our Solar System. We can't experience it because we are just too slow.
One more thing, I think about which is not directly related to the topic is!
We can't increase our speed of moving into the future, but we can slow it, The Twin Paradox and The Time Dilation!
Time is an Illusion, a mystery!
Stay Tuned For the Next!!!
I actually agree with you on the topic of dreams.
I feel that we all are so busy now a days that only time we think of our emotions our fears is at night.
And our dreams just give us a reflection of our emotions or our fears in just a dramatic way. I may be wrong but this is what I actually feel that dreams have a meaning we just have to search for there meaning.
It's quite fascinating to know your opinion.