Hey there, in this blog, I am gonna answer some weird and mind-blowing doubts, I found on the internet.
If you have some questions too, you can ask me.
What if? These types of questions include a different case, scenario other than reality. What would have happened if something was like this, instead of what it is? Usually, answers to these questions are fun to read, but it challenges the knowledge of the person.
So, if I say something unrelatable or it makes you uncomfortable, I am sorry, in advance.
What if Planet Jupiter disappeared?
Well, from the 8 planets, what would have happened if Jupiter disappeared?
The Night Sky would appear normal, with some visible planets and stars, but after few days, flashes of light would appear in the sky, slowly those flashes would get bigger and bigger, and it would appear like comets and asteroids aiming to the earth.
Without the gravitational influence of planet Jupiter, most big and small rocks would start approaching toward earth and even mars also.
Millions of asteroids that were supposed to hit Earth, were pulled by Jupiter's gravity. Life as we know today would not have existed without Jupiter, and certainly humanity could have never existed.
What if our Universe end?
Well, this is a very nice question. Theoretically, there are Three ways the universe might end.
The Big Rip, everything in the universe including stars, planets, galaxies and black holes will be torn apart by the expansion of the Universe.
The Big Church, the entire universe will collapse under its own gravity, taking everything with it, eventually concentrating them in one point.
The Big Freeze, the entire Universe will end up as totally dead, cold and empty space. Currently it's the only possible way the universe will eventually dead.
What if Earth stops spinning?
Well, it seems like Earth rotates very slowly, but it is not, the actual speed of Earth's rotation is 1040.4 miles per hour (approximately 1674.4 kmph), it's not slow.
But what, if it suddenly stopped spinning?
Our body would be thrown away with the speed of a bullet (i.e., 1022 mph), all humans and animals would die immediately (except microorganisms and few plants).
The Earth would be filled with ruined stuffs, astronauts would be the only people to survive but not for too long.
But why is it so?
The earth is constantly spinning on its own axis, and we are also spinning with the Earth. That's why we stay at the same spot whenever we jump or stay in the air. As compared to the size of Earth, we are too small and its spin takes place more slowly and gradually for small beings like us, that's why we don't feel the Earth 's spin.
If Earth suddenly stopped spinning everything that wasn't the part of the Earth would be thrown away.
What if Gravity Disappeared?
Gravity is a force; we all know that, but what, if it disappeared?
Anything that was not attached to earth would drift into space, like cars, humans, animals, air and atmosphere. Depending on the trajectory, most asteroids would fall on Earth. The moon would either fly off into space or fall directly on Earth, all other planets would eventually fly off into deep space, lack of gravity would cause Earth to expand and would explode, if gravity didn't return in few minutes.
What if we Time Travel?
Time Travel is a hypothetical concept in today's Earth. It means travelling back and forth in time, past and future. Well, it sounds amazing but it's not possible right now, might be in future.
Let's assume we are in future, so there are 4 ways of Time Travelling.
First is moving with the speed of light, according to Sir Einstein's theory of relativity, it says that if we could travel with speed of light, we would travel back in time. But physically it is not possible right now, because we don't have such technology which can acquire speed of light (i.e., 29,97,92,458 m/s).
Second is Relative Speed Theory, if everything in the universe, except you, starts moving at the speed of light. You'll experience things in past.
Third is Wormhole, I will explain this topic deeply in the next post, but for here, Wormholes links different points in space and time. Right now, it is just a theory, well above listed are also theories but this one is completely, a theory.
Fourth and last is Cosmic Strings, they vibrate at the speed of light and might trigger past time travel, for now there is no trace for their existence.
What if we teleport 5 billion years in future?
What a far-sighted question, really far. Well, the second part of this question is, what we will see, in 5-billion-year future? In 5 billion years the Earth's temperature will be more than 2000°C, the habitat zone will move further in the solar system, turning Mars, Europa, Titan and Moon into life supporting regions.
The Sun will begin to evolve into its red giant phase and will continue to grow bigger and bigger for next 3 billion years. The Andromeda Galaxy might have collided with the Milky Way Galaxy.
The world we know right now will not be same at that time, our lives would be totally different.
Don't worry, we have plenty of time.
What if we teleport to, before of Big Bang?
You can't, it's not possible. Till now we have read about many futuristic theories, and I never said, that it is impossible, but in this case it's really not possible. Because there was nothing before Big Bang, absolutely nothing. Our understanding of Universe is based on the law of Physics, and these laws were created only after the Big Bang. Therefore, common sense, concepts like 'before' becomes meaningless at this point.
What if we start living in Mars?
Well, that would be pretty interesting. First, let us talk about why we would live on Mars?
Mars isn't too hot or too cold it is more like Earth in terms of temperature. Its soil contain water which can be extracted easily. There is also enough sunlight to use Solar Panels for power supply system. The gravity on Mars is 38% of that on Earth, yes, it seems like an issue, but you know we humans are exceptionally intelligent, we will adapt. It also has atmosphere which can give protection against cosmic and ultraviolet rays.
A day on Mars is 24 hours: 39 minutes: 35 seconds long while the earth is 23 hours: 59 minutes: 59.998 seconds.
Yep, it's not 24 hours, you know it wrong. It is the only planet which lies in the Habitable Zone other than Earth.
More or less, Mars is the best in choice to live, after Earth. Although it will take 100-200 years from now to make Mars almost habitable. But I am sure we will definitely transform Mars to our home, unfortunately we would not be alive at that time.
What if we start living on Venus?
Nope, Venus is definitely not a place to live in. A day on Venus is longer than a year, you can't sleep.
Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth.
Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being further away from the sun.
Venus has a surface temperature of nearly 482°C (i.e., 900°F), we'll be fried like a hot dog. Wondering why is it so? Well, this is because of the Carbondioxide gas. Venus is full of this gas and ultimately it has a property to trap heat (Green House Effect).
Unlike the other planets in our Solar System, Venus spins clockwise on its axis. Venus is the brightest planet (again because of CO2) and second brightest natural object in our night sky after the Moon.
The average time, we can survive on Venus is less than a second.
You see, life is not possible in such extreme cases. But let me blow your mind, recently scientist have discovered that Venus's atmosphere contains traces of phosphene gas. Phosphene gas is an indication of life on Venus, even though it is a poisonous gas, but some bacterium can bear it.
Any other planet left, where you wanna live?
What if I fell in a Black Hole?
You know bro, it took me a while to understand your desire, but really, nice question? Man, first of all what is a Black Hole, well, I will explain it detailed, in my next post.
Now, if you are really determined to dive in a Black Hole, I will give you some advice. Never choose the tiny Black Hole over the larger one. If you are near to the centre of the black Hole then you can be pulled back with some force but, once you get nearer to the event horizon then there is no going back. Tiny Black Holes would exert different amounts of force on your legs and your head and hence will tear you apart and stretch your body like a spaghetti (Have you seen the fight of Scarlet Witch and Reed Richards, of the movie Doctor Strange 2, Marvel, yes exactly same will happen to you).
Supermassive Black Holes would exert almost the same force on each and every part of your body and you would enter the Black Hole whiteout any difficulty, but what will happen to you afterwards, is still a mystery.
This real Image of black hole was captured by FORS2 event horizon telescope, this black hole is present in Leo I Dwarf Galaxy.
Now I have given you the address don't get lost; Space is really huge.
What if Human went extinct, permanently?
I know this question is not related to Space by any means, but I will connect it with our Earth. Firstly, I didn't want to give this question a place in this post, but I really found this question very interesting in its own way.
Everyone has dreamt that he/she is the only person left on the planet and could do anything. If we think about it more precisely, this will be terrifying.
Within 36 hours, subways would be completely flooded with water and oils. Without humans, domestic animals would face mass extinction. Glitches in nuclear power plants and oil refineries would go unchecked, causing nuclear explosions and fallout. Without maintenance, Water would corrode metallic structure that hold up the streets, building and bridges causing them to collapse within few decades. After many years, the only evidence of mankind would be the stone structure and piles of plastic wastes.
After many years Earth would look like this.
Unlike everyone else, I love these things, like death, extinction, apocalypse.
What if we create data of every year change, in Universe?
Our Universe is full of mysteries, every year, some amazing, some terrifying things happens around Earth.
Every year, the moon moves 3.8 cm away from earth this is because of the tangential force acting on it.
Every year, the sun loses 174 trillion tones of its mass, hence Earth's orbit increases by 1.5 cm.
Every year, 150 billion stars are formed in the visible universe. No, I didn't count them all, average data.
Every year, Andromeda Galaxy moves 3.5 billion kilometres closer to us, i mean Milky Way galaxy.
Every year, the universe expands by more than 60 trillion kilometres.
Every year, a day on Earth is slightly longer than previous year.
Every year, Sun is slightly hotter than previous year.
Every year, Universe is slightly cooler than previous year. (i.e., Universe is dying too).
Every year, approximately 20 million stars that were previously accessible are beyond our reach now.
Every year, the cosmic horizon grows by 60 trillion, or 6.5 light years in all directions.
This is the data, which is observable. Universe is extremely huge, there are many things happening every hour, every minute.
We will see it, once we get it.
What if Moon falls on Earth?
Comparing to Earth, moon is not that big. But if it falls, it would be disastrous.
Days on Earth would be only 6 hours long, there would be tides as high as 7000 meters, actually moon would never make it to the Earth, it would be shattered into pieces once it reaches the Earth's Roche limit, forming a Saturn like ring around the Earth, but it would cause thousands of asteroids to fall on Earth, wiping our cities, most life on Earth would face mass extinction.
It's practically impossible, because every year............you know!!!
What if we live in a Multiverse?
Now this is a question, I have always wondered about? At early stage of my learning, I never got any answer for this concept, so I started researching, and this is what I concluded.
The Universe we live in may not be the only one out there. In fact, our Universe could be just one of an infinite number of Universes making up a Multiverse. Well, there are some reasons that will make you think about it.
Infinite Universe, Space-Time may stretch out to infinity. If so, then everything in our Universe is bound to repeat at some point, creating a patchwork quilt of infinite Universes.
Bubble Universes, Eternal inflation theory suggest that some pockets of space stop inflating, while other regions continue to inflate, thus giving rise to many isolated Bubble Universes.
Parallel Universes, according to this theory our Universe is one of potentially numerous 'slabs' floating in a higher-dimensional space.
Daughter Universe, your every choice creates a new Universe, this theory arises from Quantum Mechanics. For example, when you toss a coin, Universe splits in two different daughter universes, which will continue with two different realties.
Mathematical Universe, some Physicists believe that mathematics is not a only tool for describing the Universe but mathematics itself is the fundamental reality, and our observations of the Universe are just imperfect perceptions of its true mathematical nature.
This would be incredible, if we could be living the Multiverse, isn't it?
What if a Gamma-Ray entered in the Earth?
First of all, what is Gamma-Ray?
Gamma-Ray is an Electromagnetic Radiation which is highly penetrable. Gamma-Ray arises due to the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. These types of radiation do not need any medium to travel.
But the question asked here is, what if a Gamma-Ray hit the Earth? The answer is small.
A Gamma-Ray burst, if directly pointed at Earth, could cause major damage from up to 10,000 light years away.
10,000 light years away, because there is no particle nearby to our Solar System. It would be same as Aliens are attacking us with laser beams.
The Earth will be destroyed, yeah.
What if we travel with the speed of light?
According to some theories, we may travel through time, but this theory is just a theory or imagination, I am not saying that if it is true or not, but it might be possible. There is no practical experiment and example.
Let's talk about where you will reach, if we travel, with the speed of light.
Speed of light is 29,97,92,458 m/s. With this speed, we will be out of our Solar System, in just 1 second.
In 4 seconds, we will reach to our nearest star Proxima Century.
In 8 second, we will be watching Sirius, brightest star.
And is 22 minutes, we will reach to the Kepler 22b (Exoplanet, explained in next blog), but today it will take us 10 million years to reach there, with average speed.
In approximately 2 hours, we will reach to the pillar of creation.
In 5 hours, we will be in the front of the largest known star UY Scuti.
But with today's technology, this is impossible to attain such speed for a period of time.
Hope for the future.
Proxima Centauri, 2. Sirius, 3. Kepler 22b, 4. Pillar of Creation, 5. UY Scuti
What if the Sun turned into a Black Hole?
As we already know that what is Sun and the Black Hole, so I will not explain it. The answer will be short and understandable.
If the Sun turned into a Black Hole, nothing would change, literally nothing. Earth and all other planets will still revolve around the Sun. No planet will ever be sucked in. Earth would be totally safe, but not us. Lack of sunlight and solar energy will cause mass extinction of all plants and animals.
Don't worry, there is 99% chance, that it is impossible, but still there's 1%.
What if Antarctica melted?
I don't know why, but today's people are fond of destruction and extinction.
As we have already studied in our geography classes, the consequences of Global Warming. Sea level would rise up to 60-70 meters, every low-lying country and landmass would partially be underwater like Atlantis. Billions of people would have to migrate, which will make them homeless and will increase poverty. The salt water would disappear, as the solvent will increase with extremely large mass, which will cause many marine lives to disappear. The situation would be devastating and terrifying.
As you would have heard the recent news, says that the speed of Earth's rotation is decreasing. Earth is completing its rotation in less than 24 hours, even if it is just millisecond but still!!!
Some scientists are saying that, melting of Antarctica could be the possible reason for the Earth's declining speed.
Recently the core of the Earth has also stopped moving.
What's causing all of this, are we approaching destruction?
What's your opinion?
To be continued, stay tuned and subscribe for notifications.