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What is Universe?

Updated: May 16, 2024

"The sky is not the limit, beyond that is limitless universe"

Well, we live in our Universe, and we don't even know about it, it's funny. We humans, have tried many times to study, what's going on around us? many times, we are successful but there are still certain mysteries which are unsolved, the most famous is, what's outside our planet? Almost every question is answered by the science, but our universe is still an infinite box of mystery.

Let me tell you in detail....

These are some images of 1. Nebula, 2. Milky Way Galaxy, 3. Dark Matter

There are many theories which gives different definitions of space.

Some says that our Universe is a huge ocean in which numerous celestial bodies are floating and moving within gravity. Other says that it is a box, an infinitely large box which can accumulate everything. But in my opinion the best from all is,

The Universe is all about space and time, it contains Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Galaxies, Planets, Stars and some Natural Satellites. Its diameter is approximately 10 billion light years, and it is still expanding.

Now let's break the above phrase in quarters and study.

Don't worry, I am not going to give a detailed information, just a general idea. It's not a Wikipedia page.

First of all,

What is Space and Time?

Space is a boundless three-dimensional extent in which object and events have relative position and direction. The word SPACE is not what you think, sometimes people relate this word with the English letter space which means gap or an open place. Here it is referred as inner and outer space which means the environment outside and inside the Earth.

Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. Time also is a dimensional quantity of Space. I don't think that you are that dumb, that I have to explain what is past, present and future.

What is Dark Energy and Dark Matter?

Among all the mysteries which we have seen till now, the biggest one is the Dark Energy.

In Cosmology and Astronomy, Dark Energy is an unknown form of energy that affects the Universe on the largest scales.

The first ever evidence of its existence came from measurement of Supernovas.

I am sorry but we don't have much information to share on this topic but, let me tell you about Supernovas.

Supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion; this happens when a large, massive star collides or fuses. This process gave a very interesting topic to talk about which is, our universe is expanding because of Dark Energy, not only expanding but expanding in acceleration.

Now, the Dark Matter, there are some mind-blowing facts about Dark Matter. It does not interact with light; it interacts with gravity. Dark Matter is extremely far away from us, but we still know about it, how?

Dark Matter was first seen by Hubble Space Telescope by NASA, a ghostly ring of dark matter formed millions of years ago because of collisions of two galactic clusters. Click on this button to know more about Hubble.

What are Galaxies?

The school in which you have studied or studying must have taught you about the Galaxies. These are one of the basic units of our knowledge about the universe. Galaxies are gravitationally bound system of stars, moons and planets.

This was a very easy definition, you are reading about the universe, a box of mystery, let's be complex,

A galaxy is a gravitationally bounded system of celestial bodies, interstellar dust, stellar remnants and dark matter. They are usually spiral and are really bright. There are some examples but the most famous is Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy.

There is a very interesting fact which says that both Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy are moving with a very little acceleration in the same direction and will collide one day.

We are in Milky Way Galaxy, and it travels really fast, by the end of this paragraph you have travelled almost 600 kilometres in the universe.

What are Planets?

Really, who don't know about planets? Well, this is for those buddies who don't know,

Planets are celestial bodies which is neither a star nor a stellar remnant. Planets are massive bodies containing different kinds of elements and substances.

In our Solar System there are 8 of them, revolving around the sun. These are divided in 4-4, first 4 are terrestrial planets, they generally have hard surface. Names are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. The next 4 are called jovial planets, they are mostly dense and made up of gases, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These planets are divided in 4-4 by a belt, a belt of cluster of rocks, Kuiper Belt.

In the year 1930 a planet was discovered named Pluto, and it was our 9th planet in our solar system, but in 2006 it was removed as our 9th planet because of its huge revolution period, which is 248 years. Not kidding!!!

Kuiper belt also contains some comparatively very small planets.

There is an asteroid named "Psyche 16" made up of gold ores, in that belt. It has enough gold to make everyone, a billionaire on the earth.

What are Stars?

Stars are also Astronomical Objects, but they are incredibly different from planets. Stars are luminous objects they produce a huge amount of light and vary with huge temperature differences. They are very very far away from Earth, the nearest star is our sun, yep sun is also a star. They are very far away from us but still, are visible like a point object, in our night sky with naked eyes, because of their size and luminosity. These point objects forms patterns and are called constellations. You must have heard this word before, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

well, yes these are some famous constellations, and play a great role in astrology.

Our universe is full of them.

What are Satellites?

There are two types of satellites Natural and Artificial. Natural satellites are also called Moons and our personal and only Natural satellites is Moon. Yes, we are lazy, we didn't even name our satellite. Well, every planet has their own Natural satellites, like some has 2, some has 64+ and some has 0. Yes, we are little bit poor we have only one, but still better than zero.

Moon is also a celestial body and have a hard surface, its greyish in colour but looks like white in night sky, it doesn't have any light but still is very bright in dark, why?

Our Moon is full of craters and deep pits, and these are because of the continue attacks and collisions of comets and asteroids.

Moon is the only celestial object where man has ever landed, and we all know that man was Neil Armstrong in 1969, but who was the second? That second was Buzz Aldrin.

Now Artificial Satellites, these are used for one main purpose i.e., Telecommunication. Soviet Sputnik was the first ever satellite launched in space in 1957.

You must have heard about ISS the International Space Station, basically it works like a satellite, but it is modular space station. It is made by the collaboration of 5 main countries, Japan (JAXA), United States of America (NASA), Russia (Ros cosmos), Europe (ESA) and Canada (CSA).

International Space Staition

What is Solar System?

Probably in our universe there can be million compositions of stars and planets. Similarly, our composition of stars and planets is called The Solar System.

It contains Sun, as its centre and 9 planets revolving around it. The list of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Yes, yes, I know that Pluto is not included in our Solar System but still it revolves around the sun, even if it takes 248 years.

Every time I ask people how our Solar System looks like; they show me this:

Imaginable Solar System

But our Solar System is definitely, not looks like this, it is much more complex:

Real Solar System

This image represents Planets and their Stars, but our Solar System still not look like this, let me show you a gif, of how or solar system works.

Working of our Solar System

Mind blown? This is how our solar system really works. Complex, isn't it?

So, do you wanna know, why is it so?

The answers are our solar system is moving with a constant velocity around the Milky Way Galaxy and with the speed of 450,000 miles per hour (approximately 7,20,000 kmph), mind blown again? sorry, but even if it moves with this speed, it will still take 230 million years for the sun to make one complete round around the milky way galaxy. I am not lying; the data is correct even if it is approx.

What is Earth?

Earth is a planet (wow!!).

In fact, Our Earth is a very unique terrestrial planet. The only planet sustaining organisms which are living or have lived.

This 3rd planet from the sun, contains 3 important factors which support the living of organisms. Air, water and temperature, our Earth is already 71% water, which is obviously, undrinkable.

The distance from the centre of the Earth, that is from its core to the surface of the earth is 6371 km, but there are actually many extra elemental components mixed with the topmost soil. 4.8% is of water, 57.8% is of silicon dioxide, 15.1% is of aluminium oxide, 6.1% is of calcium oxide, 4.9% is of iron oxide, 4.5% is of magnesium oxide, some other elements are of 6.9% and the rest of the composition is of crust + water which is 0.49%. Earth's core is 5-50 km, Geography students would have known that.

Our Earth is really beautiful, but one day it is going to die, like the Mars did. Mars too was a very watery planet millions of years ago, but every planet has a core, a very hot core which provides energy to the planet, but every core has an age after which, it will cool off or in other words it will die. Same was with Mars, the water on the mars evaporated because of its core, but don't worry it still has some amount of water in its soil.

When our Earth will die, we have to travel to the Mars, our future home.

Wanna see, how cities would look like in future, in 3D?

Click this button.

Young Mars

This is Mars with water.

Here we got to know that how's our Universe doing. Well, after reading all the above-mentioned data, we know that our Universe is doing great. Now, we will catch up with a small summary, that how did, all of this Universe is created?

How did it originate?

According to the well-known concept: The Big Bang Theory, which says that the Universe expanded or originated from a single point, that held all the matter and energy of the universe. It happened, about 13.73 billion years ago, since then it has expanded to approximately 93 billion light years, and as we know that it's still expanding. However, we still don't know, what's causing the Universe to expand.

But you know, what's interesting here? Many scientists believe that at the time of Big Bang, there is a possibility of the origin of some other universes, which further leads to the concept of Multiverse.

How will it end?

Well, it is the law of nature, everything which is created will destroy too. Same goes with our Universe, there are many possible ways, by which our Universe might die.

And that day is not so far, let me create some suspense here, the answer to this question will be given in my next upcoming blog, stay tuned.

So, now I think you know enough about our Universe. If you liked my content, subscribe for notifications, as this is not the end!!!

Also, do check out my other blogs!!

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